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Pleated Filter Cartridges
Overview of Pleated Filter Cartridges

Filter Services can supply replacement pleated filter cartridges, and Filter Elements for the majority of leading manufacturers of this style of dust collector unit. Pleated filter cartridges can also be used to replace a dust filter sock, and cage in a filter unit designed for dust bags.
Pleated filter cartridges for dust collection are generally made from a rigid filter media. Whilst they are more expensive than dust filter socks made from needle felt or woven fabrics, these stiffer media can have certain advantages. Pleated filter cartridges will generally give a significantly greater filter area for the same filter unit volume, outlet emissions are reduced as the pore sizes are much smaller and cages for supporting the media are not needed. However, the reduced pore sizes increase resistance to air flow, and the media stiffness reduces the effectiveness of pulse jet cleaning especially on sticky dusts or filter cakes that grip the filter media. Good filter maintenance and control of the process feeding the filter unit can lead to energy savings from the use of pleated cartridge filters. Maintenance and control are more important with pleated filter cartridges as errors can lead to very expensive replacement costs of the cartridges.
For Filter Services to be able to supply pleated filter cartridges we need to know any names or reference numbers associated with the filter unit or cartridges. If the references cannot be supplied other data will help us to recognise the cartridge required. A description of the cartridge overall length, internal and external diameter are needed. Also the description of the open end fitting is required. This is generally threaded, flanged or lugged with either felt seal, rubber seal or plain flat flange. The filter media can be polyester or cellulose although other specialist media are also available. Trial pleated filter cartridges can be supplied to ensure we have the correct product before volume manufacture is made.